Last year before the new year started I was reading a blog about picking a word to use as a daily symbol or as a mantra for the new year. I picked the word strength. I thought about having a strong mind, a strong body, a strong spiritual life. The idea of picking a word to keep in mind appealed to me. I thought I could use it as a touchstone. I remember the blog suggesting you pick a word with qualities that are appealing to you- the idea was that whatever you focus your energies on is usually what you bring into your life. I have consciously thought about this type of thinking in many different areas of my life over the years. I've noticed when I am filling my mind up with the trivial, I tend to have a trivial existence. If I look for inspiration in everything & everyone around me I experience serenity.
I wish I could say how I decided on the word strength-I wish I wrote about it at the time. When I think of the events that transpired in my life last year I can't help but feel that I was divinely inspired. Do you know the part in the bible where it says, "Ask & you shall receive..."? Looking back I believe God sent me an angel that whispered in my ear the exact word I needed in my life to help me through every part of all that took place. I don't believe I picked the word myself. How could I possibly know the very thing I would need?
I thought about my "word" everyday. Most days I felt like I didn't have any strength. That was OK though because that was the first step in finding out how I could get it. With absolute certainty I know I never found strength alone either. I often found the strength I needed by reaching out & asking for help. More often than not the simple act of asking God, "Please take this away from me." was all I needed to do. Sometimes I had to do that a few times an hour-but it always helped.
Mostly though, I started to realize it was important to ask those around me for help in getting the strength I needed. I found that people respond generously when you ask them to share of themselves. I also began to realize that if they didn't help me find my strength it was because for whatever reason, they couldn't & that only meant that I needed to find another source, & I always did. Sometimes it was another person, a nice long run, a beautiful stormy sky or a moving song. Looking back again I feel that if I didn't have the word strength as my touchstone I'm not sure I would know that was what I needed much less begin to think about how to find it.
I feel stronger for picking the word strength. I am grateful for the strength I was given so freely by everyone & everything around me. Thank you God.
This year I choose PEACE.
Priscilla's G'ma
Diana - I have really been thinking of my word for awhile now - a few weeks ago I knew what it would be as much as I tried to think oh that cannot possibly be my word - it just is. I believe angels are whispering too. How great that you wrote about this. And peace is one of my very favorite words. I have a little surprise with my word and hopefully I will get to unveil it later today;)Like tonite before 1/1/08 is over! Happy New Year to your little family...
I can not wait to hear what it is!but don't rush it-when it is ready to be unveiled, it will be.
Dear Blessing,
I want so much to share with you how STRENGHTH has carried me through the most scary of times. I remember homeschoolong my boys and not having a clue how. Having a breast removed and not knowing if I would see my boys become men. Starting up a career that was put on hold for 19 years. So petrified because I knew that I could not withstand any of it without the knowledge that I could do all things through Christ who strenghtens me.
There was a time when I had an alcoholic supervisor screaming at me that I was not learning fast enough. She absolutely brought me to tears. I put my head down in the middle of the lab and I said. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME!!!!!! And I knew it was true. Not what she was saying about me but what GOD said about me. I love you,
I like both words 'STRENGTH' and 'PEACE'. I feel a connectivity here. Strength leads to courage. Courage overcomes fear. Conquering fear delivers peace.
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