Sunday, July 12, 2009

RIP Sylvia

cuddly Sylvia, always so content

You will remain forever in our hearts dear Sylvia, we will never forget you. Last night I dreamed of your shadow walking past the kitchen window, It was the magical time of day when the light gets golden. In the dream I yelled out, "Look, it's Sylvia! I knew she would come back."
I really do believe I will see her again.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this. Josie and I send our sympathies. Love you.

MmeBenaut said...

Oh Lily H, I am so, so sorry for the loss of Sylvia. She looks so perfectly beautiful in this photo. Of course you will see her again. Heaven without animals would be strange indeed.
My girlfriend Wendy has two Russian Blues - Oscar and Mia. They are beautiful cats.

Crafty Green Poet said...

so sorry for your loss, its always so sad to lose a pet. Sylvia looked like a wonderful cat....