Thursday, March 19, 2009

take the clean sweep challenge!

Take the test here.
Happily, I found this challenge over at the inspiring Clutterquake. I took the test and scored a 60!
Basically the test is about cleaning up your life, perfect for someone like me who has been called to the word o r g a n i s e for this year! For every question I was unable to check off as true, I was given a goal to work towards making true. At the end of the test, I looked at the list carefully and was amazed to see very specific unchecked boxes that glared out to me as being the most important. The beauty of this test gave me concrete ideas on how I could improve my life by providing me with a specific set of actions I could take to achieve more serenity and peace of mind.
As a result I carry a short list of goals around with me since then to try and increase my score until the next go round.
So, what is on my list might you wonder?

Laugh out loud

Get rid of things I don't use

Be on time

Catch up on letters and calls

Don't take things personally

I wish I could explain how empowering it has been for me to put these goals in the forefront of my mind these last couple of weeks. It is suggested that you work on just a few at a time to keep it manageable. I have actually found it fun! I decided I won't add anymore goals until I complete all five on this list. This way I can look at the list keeping mindful of practicing them until they are instilled in me. Like laughing out loud, it's an easy goal to accomplish one or two days in a row but by the third day it's easy to forget unless it becomes a habit. The larger goal here is to make this list a habit. By keeping the list with me I get to practice being on time, laughing out loud & not taking things personally while I catch up on my letters & get rid of all the things I do not use. Using my list helps me stay focused so that I may accomplish these goals. It's a good feeling.
As someone who has struggled with lateness my entire life, it is a wonderful feeling getting somewhere early.
I'm also usually very good at not taking things personally, but sometimes I forget & by making it a daily practice my hope is that it becomes ingrained in me much the same way as my other daily habits are.
Some days I have actually had to stop what I was doing to find something that makes me laugh out loud. & I have found laughing out loud every day just seems like free therapy if nothing else.
I suspect I will get lots of practice with these new habits since I have many things to get rid of that I don't use.
I also suspect my friends & family will be hearing from me regularly as well as I catch up on letters and phone calls... more free therapy!
So far, it's all good.
If you do take the test, please stop by again & tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

It's a proven fact laughing out loud has health benefits. Not taking things personally is the best one. That also means anyone can disagree with your(your applies everybody) point of view. Nice post, great reminders.Thanks. PGma

Tessa said...

Gosh, Lily - all those pointers could so easily be on my list too. Although I do laugh out loud quite often! Sometimes inappropriately - like when my tall husband bangs his head on a low doorway. Some old English cottages have too many of those for his comfort!

I must go and take the test now just to see if I'm right about our matching goals!