Friday, April 18, 2008

Multitasking & Memory Loss

I just read on my health insurance statement that "... a study at the University of Michigan suggests multitasking could actually be doing us more harm than good." It states that stopping & starting things take twice as long & causes our brains to function at below optimal level. "Over time stress hormones from multi tasking can damage memory centers in the brain. The bottom line is to"... focus on one task at a time for better efficiency and memory."

Now the question is how did those smart people studying over at the university define multitasking? Some people may think brushing their teeth while taking a shower is multitasking. I've never felt an ounce of stress while doing this. Or what about talking on the phone while doing laundry or dishes? What if I am cleaning out paperwork or writing out a check while listening to the robot on the other end of the telephone go through their list of options before I can be put in touch with a real person. I think I might lose my mind if I didn't have something to distract me while listening. The only problem with this is when I space out & suddenly notice a super nice but creepy voice say- "to hear this message again, press 5." I guess this must be what they are talking about...

Otherwise I personally do like to give my complete attention to whatever it is I am doing.

mom, make sure you click on the purple number five!


Anonymous said...

I think I would stress if I did not multi task. I am much more at ease while doing 2 or 3 things -- of course to wind down I have to schedule it:)

Ian France said...

I like how you say the robotic voice is creepy, because it is! I just wish more people would admit it.

Anonymous said...

AAAAHHHHHHHH! I don't blame her, what with Sylvia getting so aggressive and all that 'urban' living noise. I think I'll go into the closet with her if she lets me. The "G" got a dangerous thought last week, but shook himself to reality, no more Dogs here!!!