Saturday, September 20, 2008

I lost another .5 pounds

and that's good enough for me right now. Not that I wouldn't like to speed it up though. This is my rigorous week of re-evaluation, so hopefully we'll see a little more of a loss by next Saturday. Right now it's late and I am going to sleep and I will be sleeping in until 8AM to ensure my full 8 hours of sleep. Goodnight, or Good morning...

I love the beach...


Kitty said...

wow, I am impressed.
Since my gym routine started maybe 3 months ago, I don't believe I've lost any weight. I haven't been checking, but the last time I did, I was the same. Grrr.

Beautiful peaceful photo. said...

Kitty, thank you. Not to seem ungrateful but it's just half a pound, not 5 pounds. I'm just worried that the title may seem misleading. I basically lost what I gained plus half a pound more over the last 3 weeks, not exactly speedy. I'm not the best at staying focused on my diet, but I'm learning...too be continued.

Lydia said...

I love the beach, too, and I love this photo of yours! Congrats on more weight loss. So good to read that you are being diligent about the 8 hours of sleep. From all I've read, 7-8 hours sleep is a must in weight control. Americans are pretty pitiful when it comes to sleep habits; I'm trying to correct mine!