Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

and a very belated merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, Boxing day & Happy Hannukah too! Sorry I haven't posted in so long but like everyone else I have been extremely busy. I just wanted to stop in & say hello while I continue to ponder what my new word for this year will be. For the past two years I've gone through a ritual of finding a word that serves as a sort of guide and anchor for the new year. I will post more on this when I figure out what my word will be. Though I feel it is important not to rush such matters, I hope I figure it out soon!
Below is a video so you can see what I have been up too...

I'm the person wearing the hood.


Anonymous said...

You two are so cool! It looks as if it were quite brisk that day! So glad you finally wrote and I got to see you! I've missed you... Your word will come when it's good and ready - I'm sure it will be any day. Check Ali's blog out, read through other's words you never know yours may jump right out at you!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I! Use! A! Lot! of! exclamation! points!

Mignon said...

That hill looked really scary. If it looks big on video you know it's bigger in actuality. Did I say that right? Happy New Year.

MmeBenaut said...

What fantastic fun! I would love to go tobogganning or better still, ski-ing.

I guess that this is Vermont? said...

SS, I find myself using lots of exclamation points too! But hey,I think it's better to be excited about life anyway! Thanks for thinking I'm cool. I can't remember the last time anyone said that about me!

Hey Mignon! yes it was quite a big hill. I got my courage from watching a tiny four year old ride her tube down it!

Mme B,Yes,this is Vermont! one of my favorite places to visit and this is the first time I have been there in the winter. Despite much heating pad use & advil,it was so much fun.

Ian France said...

Haha, that's a great video - fantastic composition! I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.

Lydia said...

You look great!

Your sledding hill seems perfect to me; thanks for sharing the clip.

Looking forward to knowing your word for the year (that's a good idea).