Monday, January 18, 2010

52 years and counting...

Here my parents sit next to each other while they watch their grandson play his violin at one of his Christmas concerts this last December. I first took this photo because I couldn't get over my Dad's work gloves and felt a sudden need to document them. When I looked at the photo later on that evening, I realized it told a much greater story - 52 years worth to be exact!
Happy anniversary Mom & Dad and may you celebrate many more to come!


Dandy Duke said...

Happy anniversary to your mom and dad! That's wonderful!

MmeBenaut said...

Ah, congratulations to your Mom and Dad. What an incredible achievement, 52 years. Gosh I'm only a tiny bit older than that myself and I feel very old sometimes.
I do like your Dad's work gloves. I could definitely use a pair like that!

Merrily Down the Stream said...

Amazing! Happy anniversary.

Kitty said...

wow, that is a long time. How wonderful!

I can relate...sometimes it just takes a detail that is inspirational. I like how the gloves are sitting there on his knee, too. He seems to take care of his things.

Actually both of them do. Your mum's purse looks brand new.